Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blood Dogs

Blood Dogs[DOG],
Welcome you to its blog.

Under construction our blog is just on the amateurism effect,unlike our gang self!

We are the Fatal Play branch of the long Blood Dogs family

  • Blood Dogs of MD
  • Blood Dogs of MD2
  • Blood Dogs of MD3
  • Blood Dogs of MDe
  • Blood Dogs of FP
Many more virtual spaces the name Blood Dogs inspire respect or even fear!


Being part of Blood Dogs is not always easy as far as our Fatal Play's side is concerned.

Blood Dogs

Lead By Respected Gangster Guga-friend

Inspired from great people,this guy is proving to be one of the most famous respected gangster in Fatal Play.
His reputation is no longer to be made.

Co-leader Cranzen

Rightfully the one that assist to DOG,his leader,his family.
Loyalty to the top of heights
Trustworthiness is amazing
Guga calls him his brother(resemblance between the mentioned characters is really obvious)

more to come soon,
and do make sure you contact us if you beleive you can help this blog